Workshops on mental health in the music industry

Stress, burnout, motivation, working environment, work-life balance.

Created for the needs of companies, with planned groups of up to 20 persons, we offer the possibility for a guest psychologist for the entire duration of the workshop, or for a part of the planned sessions. The duration of the program would be 2 hours and the program is systematically constructed, styled up according to the needs of the company as stated in the questionnaire completed beforehand, so you can get the exact program according to your specific needs, demands and wishes.

Duration: 2h 

Price: EUR 200 

For Individual one-on-one sessions on mental health in the music industry, the persons interested would have the chance to also complete the questionnaire with the same questions, in order to determine the needs and demands. 

Duration: 1,5h 

Price: EUR 50


Workshops for young music professionals

Basic music business package: basic terms and definitions, methodology and tree of the music industry ecosystem. 

Duration: 1,5h (individual artist or the entire band) 

Price: EUR 80 


Workshops for advanced members of the music industry - subject exchange

During these advanced sessions we build discussions and exchange experiences upon the foundation in artist management, new generation trends, developing ideas on the latest skills and techniques for success, whilst developing cutting edge innovative ideas and concepts, set to revolutionize the different roles in the music industry. We'll examine everything from the building of your team & company, creating concepts for your events, techniques for breaking into emerging territories, skills in creating fan experience journeys, explanations of new technologies such as blockchain, AI and much more. 

Focused on setting subjects for discussion and networking, raising thoughts and answering questions for establishing ways of connecting existent issues in the industry.

Topic list on demand.

Duration: 3 hours

Price: 60 EUR

Our extended Team:

Dr. Katja Ehrenberg


Dr. Ehrenberg gladly gathered experience for over 20 years as a freelance consultant, facilitator and trainer in various contexts and with a wide range of target groups. She very much enjoys to openly adjust to different people and their respective life or work situations. Having started off with rehab groups for drunk drivers, social skills- and application trainings for IT graduates, stress seminars and training of on-site contact persons for issues of discrimination and mobbing, she had the chance over the years to work, for instance, with executives from the media sector, engineers, industrial shift workers, judges, social workers and care professionals in welfare, or people from the festival industry in customized workshops and intensive coachings. The contexts of the people who sought and seek private counselling aren't less manifold. Last but not least, discussions with students ever keep broadening horizons in very good ways.

“It came to me as no surprise that Lina recently had become such a high-level spokesperson on the subject of mental health in the music industry, as well as different important topics in the creative industry, representing the new generation. We have successfully realized a number of panels, initiatives and international conferences on the issue together.”                                    

  - Dr. Katja Ehrenberg, 

Systemic Counsellor, Psychologist and Author of the book “Stay Sound and Check Yourself”